Regulations Regarding Private Planting
Regulations Regarding Private Planting
The following rules and regulations must be adhered to:
  1. Only the deceased’s contact on file at Baron de Hirsch – Back River Cemetery Inc.’s (hereinafter referred to as CEMETERY) or an individual authorized in writing by said contact can plant flowers. 
  2. The planting of flowers shall respect the historical wishes of the prior generation’s family members. When private flowers were never planted on a grave and the deceased’s contact with  CEMETERY passes away, only flowers purchased through CEMETERY’s floral program may be planted and no private plantings are permitted.
  3. No gardener or contracted person is permitted to do any work on the CEMETERY grounds.
  4. The maximum size of a flower bed is 45 cm x 120 cm per single grave. No planting beyond these limits will be permitted.
  5. Only annuals are permitted.
  6. The deceased’s contact on file with the CEMETERY or an individual authorized in writing by said contact, is responsible for maintaining, watering, weeding, and removing all debris from grave site of the private planting.  All debris must be placed in garbage bags and removed from the CEMETERY grounds. No debris can be left on the CEMETERY grounds. A $200 fee will be levied by the CEMETERY for removal of debris for each grave if left on CEMETERY grounds. 
  7. Floral private plantings must be removed by Oct 20th of each year. Failure to do so will result in the denial of permission to plant flowers in following years and $200 removal fee per floral arrangement.  
  8. Arrangements must not resemble any of the standard arrangements that are planted by the CEMETERY’s gardener. They must differ fully from the flower species, colour and style that the CEMETERY’s gardeners have planted.  Any arrangements found to imitate our standard arrangements will be removed without notice and $200 fee will be levied for each floral arrangement removed and written approval outline below must be obtained for future floral plantings.  
  9. Plastic or any other non-natural materials (including bricks or any border material) are strictly forbidden and will be removed without notice. A $200 Fee will be levied by the CEMETERY for each grave where these items were removed. 
  10. The CEMETERY will not be responsible for any damage to private plantings however caused. 
  11. Violation of CEMETERY Regulations for Private planting will require the following in order to plant in following years: 
    Annual written authorization from CEMETERY to plant flowers for 5 years following the violation.
    Payment  of a $200 fee to CEMETERY prior to planting for each floral arrangement removed by CEMETERY for previous year’s planting which were not removed by deadline of October 20 as indicated in point 7
    Payment of a $200 fee to CEMETERY prior to planting season for the removal of each floral arrangement which violated point 8 
    Payment of a $200 fee to CEMETERY for each grave where objects were improperly placed as outlined in point 9.
    Payment of a yearly deposit thereafter for 5 years of $200 per grave to ensure that the planter complies with all the above rules and regulations. The deposit will be remitted  after October 20th once CEMETERY has verified that the planter has complied with all Rules  and Regulations for Private Planting.
12. Failure to respect the Rules and Regulations for Private Planting may result in permanent prohibition for individual or grave to be permitted to have private floral planting.

These rules and regulations are subject to change without prior notice.
Baron De Hirsh-Back River Cemeteries Inc.